If you would like to view the most updated address book follow the steps below. If you want to update your offline global address book navigate to step 3.
1. Select your address book on the ribbon menu within outlook
2. Once the address book wind opens you will see that it current list the Offline Global Address List, select the dropdown and choose the Global Address List option. This will allow you to see the most updated address book.
3. Now in order to update your offline address book follow steps below:
- Close the running Outlook application.
- Note: You may need to use the install account and password in order to do the proceeding steps.
- Navigate to the following location where %username% is your windows login profile. Then once you have selected your profile continue to navigate to the outlook folder in path below. You may have to select the unhide properties in order to see the AppData folder. C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook
4. Once you have reached the outlook folder from navigating your way through the path in step 3. Look out for the Offline Address Book folder in the Outlook folder by clicking on it once and then select F2, this should now highlight the name of folder in blue, simply rename to rename this “Offline Address Books folder” to “Offline Address Books.old”
5. Once the files or folder names are renamed, launch the Outlook application and now you should see the updated list of employees.
6. If you need further assistance please reach out to the IT helpdesk by submitting a ticket and we will get to you as soon as we can.